Dear Brethren: Thanks to those that attended our Official visit to Runnymede Lodge on Jan 7. We had an incredible performance by Bro Kyle Muir during his 2nd at our Jan 21 meeting. I can’t remember seeing a better prepared brother for a second degree, well done Kyle! We are all proud of you.
Please find enclosed our Masonic Calendar for the remaining of the year. We will be initiating, passing and raising 2 new, worthy candidates, Felipe Figuroa & Samer Taleb. There will be a Past Masters night to raise Bro Kyle Muir on Sep 2 after the summer break. Balloting and a first degree for our latest applicant Sapo Alves has been accounted for as well.
Our Long Range Planning (LRP) exercise has been tabulating by Bro. Corey Turnbull. He has been instrumental in the background and we’ll see the results of our voting at the Feb 4th emergent meeting. The future belongs to those that plan. This LRP Toolkit will allow us to define the future for our Lodge for generations to come, exciting indeed!
We are still looking for an organ player for our Lodge meetings. Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated.
For our Official Visit the DDGM has given us a choice between two formats. We chose not to perform degree work during his visit. Our selection means we will; open & close in three degrees, collect PG & PW in the second, deliver a Masonic Education Lecture. All brethren that
plan on attending please know your mechanics, signs and Grand Honours for that meeting. If you need help then arrive early and seek me out during the banquet hour.
It’s been a cold winter already by anyone’s standards, why not join us in Lodge have a delicious meal and warm your heart with your brothers in Lodge.