Home > Message From the East > Message From the East – 04/01/14


Greetings from the East, Brethren! There are many things happening in our Lodge and District. The last meeting in our Lodge sounded terrific. Sorry that I missed it. During that meeting Bro. Andre Bodnar proved in the third. Well done, Bro. Bodnar! W.Bro. J. Morris delivered a wonderful education lecture in all three degrees.

A special double first will take place at our next regular meeting with Zetland Wilson Lodge #86 providing one of the candidates. Bro. J. Andrews and R.W.Bro. Nezam Soltanzadeth have been working hard on this special event.

Our new applicant Mr. Gerdson “Sappo” Alves will be taking his initiation at our regular meeting April 15.

We have a Past Masters night coming up on Tuesday May 6 2014. W.Bro Glyn Padgett will be sitting in the East and arranging the work for Bro. Kyle Muir’s third degree. This should be quite a night. We have a double second degree planned for May 20 for Bro. Felipe Figueroa and Bro. Samer Taleb.

Our last meeting before the break will be 3 June for our annual Pot-Luck Dinner!

W. Bro. Dean Eyford