The Philadelphia Masonic Temple at 1 North Broad St., in Pennsylvania has seven Lodge rooms, each individually styled in excellent examples of Corinthian, Gothic, Ionic, Italian Renaissance, Norman, Oriental, and Egyptian architecture. The main entrance hall has a beautiful Norman porch, and decorations leading to a 20ft wide Grand Foyer done in Doric architecture.
Of particular note is the Egyptian room, which is decorated lavishly in gold in the style of the Nile Valley. It is considered the only perfect specimen of Egyptian architecture in America. The Hall’s ancient mystic symbols and designs that adorn the walls and ceiling, are so perfect that scholars from all over the northern hemisphere come to visit them.
The temple also houses the impressive Grand Lodge museum, and a library of over 70,000 Masonic books.
Tours through the building are available to the public, as well as Masons, Monday through Friday year round. It is well worth the visit.