Freemasonry is a progressive science. We start as an Entered Apprentice and progress to a Fellowcraft degree through examination. But, does completing the Fellowcraft degree really make us Fellow Craftsmen?
Being a good man, just and upright, held in high esteem by others is a prerequisite for becoming a mason, but not its whole essence.
The first degree teaches us that to be true Entered Apprentices we need to dedicate ourselves to Work, Study and Charity.
Work towards improving ourselves and Society. Study the seven liberal arts and sciences. Charity towards our masonic brethren and everyone else in need.
In this New Year let us strive towards these objectives. Let us work more to make ourselves better men and the world around us a better place. Let us study more because, through knowledge we will overcome all difficulties and establish happiness. Let us be more charitable towards others.
I wish you a productive and joyous year. In the words of Bro. Benjamin Franklin.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbours, and let every New Year find you a better man.
Fraternally, W. Bro Andrei Traikovski